Engaging with patients

We are continually working to improve patients' experiences at Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC) and what better way to do that than by working with you and your family to help us every step of the way. A few years ago, we put a stake in the ground by committing to including patients and families in every decision that may impact their experiences. We continue to live by that mantra.
Today, partnering with patients and families is what defines KHSC. It’s the reason we are now recognized as a national leader in patient engagement and patient- and family-centred care.
In 2010, we created our Patient and Family Advisory Council and now our Patient Experience Advisor program is embedded in the very fabric of our organization. More than 60 advisors are partnering with individuals and teams across our Hotel Dieu Hospital and Kingston General Hospital sites to help transform patients' experiences. They bring their unique perspective as patients to improve quality, safety and service in every area of the organization. The presence of Patient Experience Advisors has shifted the conversation in our hospital. We no longer talk about doing things to or for patients, we talk about doing things with them.
We’re continuously learning and listening to patient and family feedback so that we can work together as a team. There are a number of other ways for you to share your thoughts and opinions about your care.
Our Patient Relations Specialists will work with you to help address your concerns. KHSC welcomes your feedback, questions and suggestions. Through the patient relations process, we will listen to you, answer your questions, have your concerns reviewed and keep you informed and involved every step of the way. While we encourage you to first speak directly with a member of your care team or unit manager, you can also contact Patient Relations by clicking here.
Three to six months after your visit to KHSC, you may receive a Patient Satisfaction Survey in the mail. This survey is another means for you and your family to comment on your patient experience. We encourage you to complete it and return it in the self- addressed envelope, however, it is not mandatory and you can choose not to respond. The information you include is both confidential and anonymous and will only be used to make improvements and to learn from your experience.
Patient and Family Feedback Forums give you or your family member a chance to return to the unit where you received care and talk about your hospital experience. During a 30-minute forum, care teams and other staff will listen to you or your family about the aspects of your care that most impacted your experience. The forum will open with you or your family member sharing your story. A facilitator will then encourage a discussion among staff about what contributed to a positive experience and what could be done to make your experience better. Solutions will be summarized to you in a letter and we will let you know what changes will be made on the unit moving forward.
Welcome to Kingston Health Sciences Centre.
We have recently integrated our websites. If you are looking for information about Hotel Dieu Hospital or Kingston General Hospital, you are in the right place.
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