Here are a few of the things you may want to bring to the NICU with you:
- Notepad and pen to take notes about what the doctors and nurses say during the day so information can be relayed to family members and loved ones.
- Pillow and blanket - Families may use the sofa in the NICU Family Room. They will be useful for naps between feeds and pumping.
- Insulated cup with lid and straw – Drinks with lids are allowed in the NICU. Pumping mothers may struggle in keeping hydrated and fed. Having a drink available at all times is a tremendous help. Keeping water and protein shakes help provide nourishing calories.
- Breastfeeding pillows/spare cover – The NICU has Breastfeeding Pillows available for use, but at times there may not always be one available. Breastfeeding pillows help to hold fragile babies and prop them on their sides for feeds,
- Robe - Bringing a soft, fluffy robe for use during Kangaroo care (skin to skin contact). Babies can then snuggle on mom’s chest while mom remains covered. The robe keeps the baby warm and snuggly as well.
- Nursing cover – Nursing covers provide modesty for mother’s while hospital staff are in the room.
- Lanolin - Before pumping, apply lanolin in the pump flanges to make it much more comfortable for mom.
- Change of clothes – Bring a change of clothes for yourself in case your baby soils your clothes.
- Stain remover– Stain remover is handy for small spits ups. Your visitors may also appreciate stain remover in case of a spit up.
- Toiletries– A tiny bag of overnight toiletries (e.g. toothbrush, face soap, hair brush) just in case your baby had a rough night and parents need to stay overnight.
- Breast Pads – These may come in handy for new moms in case of leakage.
- Nail clippers/nail file– For you to keep your baby's nails trimmed so they don't scratch themselves.
- Books/high contrast pictures – Bring high contrast board books and pictures for their isolettes. Babies spend hours in their isolettes and it makes it seem cheery for parents and baby.
- Camera – Inexpensive digital camera or a disposable one can be left at the NICU. When parents are not with their babies, the nurses will take pictures.
- Baby clothes – The NICU provides preemie clothes once babies regulate their temperature and no longer needed isolettes. These are limited in number, so feel free to bring your own baby clothes in, washed and with their name on them.
- Laundry bag- Once babies start wearing clothes, the nurse will keep the dirty clothes in a drawstring laundry bag at their bedside for you to take home.