Research story idea? Who to contact at KGHRI: 

Contact: John Pereira, Strategic Communications Advisor, Media Relations, Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC)

P: 613-549-6666 x 66875 / C: 613-217-4067 / j@email 


Media request guidelines for doctors, researchers and staff: 

What to do if the media asks to meet with you in the hospital: 

To protect the privacy of patients and families at KHSC, all requests for media access to the hospital must be coordinated through the Strategy Management and Communications (SMC) department. All members of the media must be escorted while on hospital property by a member of the Strategy Management & Communications team.

If a member of the media (e.g., reporter, editor, producer, blogger) contacts you for filming or photography that must take place in the hospital, please direct them to: 

John Pereira
Strategic Communications Advisor, Media Relations
Kingston Health Sciences Centre
Office: 613-549-6666 x 66875 / Cell: 613-217-4067

For after-hours and weekend media requests: 
Please call 613-548-3232 and ask for a Strategy Management and Communications team member to be contacted. Arrangements will be made as staff are available. 

Relaying your title/affiliations:
Please use both your KHSC title and your Queen’s affiliations when asked for your ‘official title.' Your KHSC affiliation should always be mentioned first, except in cases where the story is NOT related specifically to the hospital setting or to your work with patients and families. Pre-interview, SMC staff will provide your official title to the media contact and confirm it with the media outlet post-interview. 

Publishing your research results?
Are you publishing research findings that are a “first,” a major breakthrough, or are unusual or interesting? If so, please let the SMC office know as far in advance of publication as possible, as your work may be of interest to the media. Staff can help you by preparing a media release and promoting your work to local, national and international media, as well as on our social media channels and on our internal and external websites. 

To discuss story ideas and possible media opportunities, please contact John Pereira, Communications Advisor, Strategy Management and Communications, at 613-549-6666 x 66875.

Guide to working with the media (Pdf)